Original Papers
- Erreich, A. (2024). The Innate Capacity For Representating Subjective Experience: The Infant's Mind is Neither Primitive nor Prerepresentational. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 72(1), 9-48
- Erreich, A. (2024). "That's What You Say": Reply to Levine and Stern. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 72(1), 71–83.
- Erreich, A. (2022). East Meets West: Introduction to Ren and Xie. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 70(4), 729-731
- Erreich, A. (2018). Psychoanalysis and the Academy: Working Across Boundaries with Linguistics, Cognitive/Developmental Psychology, and Philosophy of Mind. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 66(6), 1065–1088.
- Erreich, A. (2018). How do you get there from here? Introduction to Fischer. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 66(1), 87-92.
- Erreich, A. (2017). Unconscious fantasy and the priming phenomenon. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 65(2), 195-219.
- Erreich, A. (2016). Unbewusste Phantasie als spezielle Kategorie der psychischen Repraesentationen. Ein Beitrag zu einem Modell der Psyche. Psyche – Z Psychoanal, 70, 481-507.
- Erreich, A. (2016). Introduction: An exchange with Thomas Nagel: The mind-body problem and psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 64(2), 389-403.
- Erreich, A. (2015). Introduction: Psychoanalysis and technology. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 63(3), 439-441.
- Erreich, A. (2015). Unconscious fantasy as a special class of mental representation: A contribution to a model of mind. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 63(2), 247-270.
- Erreich, A. (2015). Introduction: Letter from Berlin. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 63(2) 299.
- Erreich, A. (2011). Our Korean Connection. Internationalpsychoanalysis.net/2011/10/12.
- Erreich, A. (2011). More than enough guilt to go around: oedipal guilt, survivor guilt, separation guilt. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 59(1), 131-151.
- Erreich, A. (2007). The anatomy of a symptom: concept development and symptom formation in a four year old boy. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 55(3), 899-922.
- Erreich, A., (2003). A modest proposal: (Re)Defining unconscious fantasy. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 72(3), 541-574.
- Erreich, A., (2002). “The littlest-balls-ever company”: The analysis of a five-year-old boy. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 57(1), 245-269.
- Erreich, A., (1999). “Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man”: A meditation on psychoanalysis and empirical research. In R. Prince (Ed.), The Death of Psychoanalysis: Murder? Suicide? or Rumor Greatly Exaggerated? Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.
- Erreich, A., (1994). Primary and secondary process mentation: their role in mental organization. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 17, 387-406.
- Erreich, A. (1984). Learning how to ask: Patterns of inversion in yes-no and wh- questions. Journal of Child Language, 11, 579-592.
- Valian, V., Winzemer, J. & Erreich, A. (1981). A little- linguist model for learning syntax. In S. Tavakolian (Ed.), Language acquisition and linguistic theory. Cambridge: MIT Press.
- Erreich, A., Valian, V. & Winzemer, J. (1980). Aspects of a theory of language acquisition. Journal of Child Language, 7(1), 157-179.
- Erreich, A., Mayer, J.W., & Valian, V. (1979). Language acquisition hypotheses: a reply to Goodluck and Solan. Cognition, 7(3), 317-321.
- Erreich, A. & Valian V. (1979). Children’s internal organization of locative categories. Child Development, 50(4), 1071-1077.
- Mayer, J.W., Erreich, A. & Valian, V. (1978). Transformations, basic operations and language acquisition. Cognition, 6(1), 1-13.
Book Reviews
- Erreich, A. (2011). Review of From Classical to Contemporary Psychoanalysis: A Critique and Integration. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 28(4), 569-575.
- Erreich, A. (2002). Review of Empirical Perspectives on the Psychoanalytic Unconscious and Empirical Studies of the Therapeutic Hour both by R. Bornstein and J. Masling. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 50(2), 657-663.
- Erreich, A. (1998). Review of The Recovery of Unconscious Memories: Hypermnesia and Reminiscence by Matthew Hugh Erdelyi. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 46(1), 320-322.
- Erreich, A. (1997). Review of The Evolution of Character: Birth to 18 Years, A Longitudinal Study by S. Brody and M. Siegel. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 66, 137-140.
- Erreich, A. (1994). Review of The Misuse of Persons: Analyzing Pathological Dependency by S. Coen. Bulletin of the Psychoanalytic Association of New York, 32, 9-11.
- Erreich, A. (1993). Review of Diary of a Baby by D. Stern. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 62, 672-674.